& Sons, David Gilbert, genre: roman
& Sons, David Gilbert, genre: roman
Indb. hardback.
'The Funeral of Charles Henry Topping on Manhattan's Upper East Side would have been a minor affair but for the presence of one particular mourner: the notoriously reclusive author A.N. Dyer, whose novel 'Ampersand' stands as a classic of American teenage angst. But as Dyer delivers the eulogy for his oldest friend, he suffers a breakdown over the life he's led and the people he's hurt and the novel that will forever endure as his legacy. He must gather his three sons for the first time in many years - before it's too late.
So begins a wild, transformative, heartbreaking week, as witnessed by Philip Topping, who, like his late father, finds himself caught up in the swirl of the Dyer family.'
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