ID: 77196
Unisex børnecykel, løbecykel, Puky - Pukylino - Running
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Unisex børnecykel, løbecykel, Puky - Pukylino - Running bike
Puky - Pukylino - Running bike from 1 year / 75 cm - Green / Blue
From Site:
I purchased this for my girl but it was too small, shes 18months so should have gone for the 1.5 year model.
Anyway its becoming problematic to send back to cykelpartner so I thought I can sell it on DBA faster.
It is brand new and clean back in the box and ready to go. we tested it in the apartment only, once decided it was too small I collapsed it and placed back into box.
It is currently sold out on the website and 329kr :)